Analysis of Financial banks on their stocks
In this data project I focused on exploratory data analysis of stock and see how they progressed throughout the financial crisis all the way to early 2016.

Data engineer enthusiast skilled in SQL, Python, Power-BI, Java, Azure @Deepak Kumar
In this data project I focused on exploratory data analysis of stock and see how they progressed throughout the financial crisis all the way to early 2016.
Just got some contract work with an Ecommerce company that sells clothing online but they also have in-store style and clothing advice sessions. The company is trying to decide whether to focus their efforts on their mobile app experience or their website. They've hired me on contract to help them figure it out!
In this project we take raw housing data and transform it in SQL Server to make it more usable for analysis.
Indicating whether or not a particular internet user clicked on an Advertisement
Using KNN to create a model that directly predicts a class for a new data point based off of the features.
Seeing a profile of customers having a high probability of paying back and create a model that will help predict this.
Providing a recommendation by suggesting movies that are most similar to a particular movies.
Analysing the famous iris data set using Support vector machines concept.
Attempting to use KMeans Clustering to cluster Universities into to two groups, Private and Public.
In this Restweb API is built through java spring boot and JDBC to SQL connect project is done(experimentation between JDBC and JPA in Spring application)